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Wonder Woman - Responsible for cg integration, detail work on edging, greenscreen comp into 3d Environment
Software used: Nuke X

Maniac - Responsible for set extension, final comp
Software used: Nuke X

Digital Art (Self Produced) - All aspects including original concept- utilizing RT Maya 2.0 render and pipeline test, also texturing with lighting and nuke - fX effects and melting achieved via NukeX
Software used: Nuke X, Zbrush, Maya, Viewport 2.0/hardware render, Photoshop

The OA - Look development of scene, responsible for creation of look, integartion and stylization final comp also some relighting done in Nuke X via geo etc
Software used: Nuke X

Star Trek Discovery Season 1 - Final comp, look dev, gore
Software used: Nuke X

Fear The Walking Dead - Final comp, look dev, gore - also this shot was used as a teaser/social media preview
Software used: Nuke X

Ford Explorer (Commercial) - Final comp, fx integration, Look dev of reentry effects
Software used: Nuke X

Marco Polo Season 2 - Final comp, blood and cg integration - **this is mainly on here because I thought it was such a beautifully shot scene/sequence overall
Software used: Nuke X

West World Season 1 - Final comp, blood and cg integration - Awarded Emmy for Best Visual Effects
Software used: Nuke X

Mercedes (Commercial) - Look Dev - turned street into snowy road via procedural effects via Nuke
Software used: Nuke X

Mercedes (Commercial) - Final Comp (minus logo replacement) car enhancement
Software used: Nuke X

Mercedes (Commercial) - Look Dev - turned street into snowy road via procedural effects via Nuke
Software used: Nuke X

Macys - DMP, added falling snow, final comp
Software used: Nuke X

Bud Light Seltzer (Commercial) - responsible for final comp, integration with given CG assets and set extension - Super Bowl Spot
Software used: Nuke X

Macys - DMP, added falling snow, final comp - semi day to night conversion
Software used: Nuke X

Voyage to the Moon a Redux (Personal Project) - All aspects and WIP of a short I am working on
Software used: Nuke X, Maya, Arnold, Photoshop, Zbrush,

Blue Moon (Commercal) - added birds, final comp
Software used: Nuke X

Ford Explorer (Commercial) - Final comp, CG integration, digital set dressing
Software used: Nuke X

Zoolander 2 - Final comp, set extension
Software used: Nuke X

Smirnoff (Commercial) - Final comp, set extension
Software used: Nuke X

Personal Project/Pipeline tests - Utilizing a maya, vray, nuke pipeline - *Did not model car or buildings
Software used: Nuke X, Maya, Vray

Live By Night - correct road 90 degree dog leg - added muzzle flashes and tire marks (via Maya and curve animations), added bullet holes, final comp
Software used: Nuke X, Maya, Vray

Ford Explorer (Commercial) - Final comp, **mostly think this is a pretty shot to be honest
Software used: Nuke X
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